Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections:

What did you learn about photography that you didn't know before?

-I learned some pretty amazing techniques this semester, I learned how to snap a picture correctly with having my subjects, myself or an object either in the right or left corner, and even in the top or bottom of the screen (to create open space).
-Another thing I learned was how to "light" your pictures, until we started the light project I had no idea how powerful a shadow or even a silluate could be.
-Lastly something new I learned was how to adjust a camera, by changing the apature and shutter was a tool to completly change the look of your pictures.

What did you learn about yourself during this semester?

-Something I learned about myself this semester was just to be patient, I had a lot of trouble with pictures being blurred or a picture not coming out as I wanted it to be.
-Something positive I learned about myself was that I can set my mind on a project and the outcome is better then I would have imagined.

What do you wish we had done that we did not?

-I wish we could have taken more pictures on our film cameras, and just take more pictures in general. I like Photoshop for simple edits on pictures, but i would have liked to have spent more time "hands-on" with our cameras.

What was your struggle?

-My number one was struggle was working with Photoshop, it is really confusing if you are either absent or behind, this threw me off course, leaving me with tons of make up work.
-Another struggle I had was working with the apature and all the buttons on my film and my normal camera, it was learning to adjust them that was frustrating.

What did you conquer?

-I conquered coming out with better pictures then I thought, especially editing them and adding cross process, cyan filters, sabbaiter, and multiple exposure (which is my favorite).

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